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Odd Api Design: loadOptions prop in async React Select

javascript api-design react-select bugs

react-select/async has a loadOptions prop that helps you filter and display options based on some input string. The function you pass to loadOptions has two ways to set the options to display. This is what caused an unexpected (to me) issue. This isn’t a sneaky bug since I caught the issue while developing.

react-select/async passes two args to the function you pass in loadOptions, first arg is the filter string, and second arg is a callback function. Your function can either pass the options to the callback function, or return a promise that resolves to the options that need to be displayed.

I had to use the callback function way since react-select/async doesn’t play well with debounced promises being returned from loadOptions, and the general advice on filed issues on Github was to use callback to set options instead. I didn’t want to spend time going into why callbacks worked vs promises didn’t.

Here’s what my code sort of looked like:

  const loadOptions = async (inputValue, callback) => {
    const displayOptions = await asyncCallForOptions(inputValue);
  return (<AsyncSelect 

This caused an issue where AsyncSelect would render options at first but it’d change to an empty dropdown almost immediately after.

What I didn’t realize was I’m still passing a function that returns a promise to loadOptions, which will resolve to undefined. This eventually led me to the source code which cleared things up.

Here’s what the code to handle loadOptions in react-select/async looks like:

  const loadOptions = useCallback(
      inputValue: string,
      callback: (options?: OptionsOrGroups<Option, Group>) => void
    ) => {
      // propsLoadOptions is the `loadOptions` passed as a prop
      if (!propsLoadOptions) return callback(); 
      const loader = propsLoadOptions(inputValue, callback);
      if (loader && typeof loader.then === 'function') {
        loader.then(callback, () => callback());

This led to the options being set by the callback(displayOptions) call, and then replaced by undefined as the async function’s promise resolves.


  // causes the `callback(displayOptions)` call, `loader` now has a Promise that resolves to `undefined`
  const loader = propsLoadOptions(inputValue, callback);
  // loader.then exists because `propsLoadOptions` is an async function
  if (loader && typeof loader.then === 'function') {
    // this sets the display options to `undefined`
    loader.then(callback, () => callback());

I just changed my function so it wasn’t an async function anymore. It was entirely my fault for not following the api.

I think having loadOptions only take functions that return/resolve to the options to be displayed, and having another loadOptionsCallback prop that strictly does the things the callback way, would make things a lot simpler.